Vegetable Garden Kit
The Noocity Vegetable Garden Kit delivers everything you need to start growing your own food at your doorstep.

Grow up to 3kg of vegetables per month

Take action for biodiversity and reduce the ecological footprint

Assemble and dismantle easily

Noocity growbed​
An autonomous and productive urban farming ecosystem with integrated low-tech subirrigation. It offers many advantages:
- Ease and speed of installation and maintenance
- 3 sizes to create gardens ranging from 2 to 2000 m2
- Suitable for all available surfaces : roof, terrace, yard...
- Water savings of nearly 80%
- Guaranteed productivity
- Integrated vermicomposting option
What about this Vegetable Garden is so special?
An efficient sub-irrigation system (self-watering)
Wicking area
The expanded clay helps bringing the water up, from the reservoir until the plants’ roots
Feeding tube
To fill the water reservoir
Side drain
If the water reservoir reaches its maximum capacity, the system drains the excess.
Air chamber
Allows air circulation, providing oxygen to the plants’ roots
Water reservoir
Has the capacity to store up to 90 litres of water

Wicking Area
The expanded clay helps bringing the water up, from the reservoir until the plants’ roots
Feeding Tube
To fill the water reservoir

Side Drain
If the water reservoir reaches its maximum capacity, the system drains the excess.
Air Chamber
Allows air circulation, providing oxygen to the plants’ roots

Water reservoir
Has the capacity to store up to 90 litres of water
Meaning, fewer worries, less mistakes.
You keep forgetting to water your plants or don’t even know how you’re supposed to do that? No worries, Noocity’s sub-irrigation system ensures plants a constant and correct access to water. Besides that (and this ones is good for the travellers) once the reservoir is fulfilled, watering will be guaranteed for up to 3 weeks.
It’s like having a fertile field at your balcony
With the right depth of soil, you’re able to grow any kind of vegetable, herb or berry.
The Noocity Home Vegetable Garden Kit guarantees twice the productivity than with a conventional vegetable patch.
The perfect Vegetable Garden for beginners and pros!

Coconut fibre is a lightweight material, 100% natural and a production surplus. The result is a soil that’s surprisingly simple to transport and apply that keeps the right moist your plants desire.

This granulated organic fertilizer combines the right nutrients for the correct development of plants. Free of chemicals this fertilizer is suitable for organic agriculture.

A small selection of seasonal organic seeds for you to start growing.
Read what our customers are saying

Choose the Vegetable Garden that fits you best

Small Kit
125 x 35 x 35 cm
- 100L
- substrate
- 22,5L
- of water
- 0,36m2
- farming area
- 86Kg
- maximum weight
- 10Kg
- annual average
- 6 to 8
- different tilth
- €250
- Inc. EU VAT

Medium Kit
125 x 65 x 35 cm
- 200L
- substrate
- 40,0L
- of water
- 0,72m2
- farming area
- 156Kg
- maximum weight
- 10Kg
- annual average
- 20 to 18
- different tilth
- €380
- Inc. EU VAT

Large Kit
125 x 125 x 35 cm
- 400L
- substrate
- 90,0L
- of water
- 1,44m2
- farming area
- 308Kg
- maximum weight
- 40Kg
- annual average
- 24 to 32
- different tilth
- €610
- Inc. EU VAT
If you do not have space for a vegetable garden at home, why not proposing it to your company? Talk to us
The countryside delivered at your doorstep.

Once you purchase your Home Vegetable Garden Kit it should take less than 5* business days to arrive (to europe).

Not happy with it? We‘ll donate it to a school in your behalf.

Take it as a long term investment for fresh and healthy harvestings for many years.