A new season has begun. What are you going to grow?

Every new season brings us a chance to be in harmony with nature and learn from her. If you are a gardener or willing to become one, you have faced or will face the challenge to learn what to grow and when to grow. Some veggies will flourish in cold weather whereas others will wilt […]
What to grow in your garden and when!

In the garden, unlike at the supermarket, not everything is available all year round. In theory, we know that spring is always a good time to start something, that the summertime will bring us joy and that come fall, we should get ready for colder and darker days. “There’s no such thing as bad weather, […]
Zero Waste. 8 tips to fully take advantage of the vegetables in your kitchen.

Zero waste is a trendy new concept, but it isn’t just empty hype. Going zero waste means being environmentally, socially and economically conscientious. It means respecting what nature offers us and fighting excessive consumerism. The zero-waste lifestyle assumes that all waste is bad. That can be applied to everything — giving a new life to […]
Healthy eating. Eating well while respecting the environment.

Healthy eating is essential for our well-being and longevity. And let’s not forget the health and preservation of the planet. Not a month goes by without shocking statistics showing us how serious the ongoing environmental disaster really is. It turns out that the food industry is a major culprit: it is the source of most […]
Prepare your body for winter with the help of Mother Nature.

Fall is a season of transition during which the body begins to slow down. The energy of the summer subsides to make way for calm, which will help prepare the body for the cold associated with winter. This is the ideal time to fill up on seasonal and local vegetables and fruits, which will be […]
Edible flowers, summer colours and flavours!

When warm, sunny days arrive, we all feel like eating lighter and drinking fresher. You can find flavours in your vegetable garden that lend themselves perfectly to summer eating, such as arugula, mint or basil. But have you ever considered delicious, colourful, edible flowers? The list of flowers that can be consumed is a long […]
What you can plant in August.

In August, during the summer’s harshest heat waves, you might think that there’s not much to do in the garden, but think again! Nature is always active: the crops are abundant and offer delicious flavours, and the warm soil is perfect for the emergence of sprouts, as long as it stays properly watered and mulched […]
Aromatic herbs that love the summertime.

During the summer months of heat waves and holidays, maintaining your vegetable garden can be an issue, especially for those who can’t rely on the autonomy and safety of a sub-irrigation system like Noocity’s. However, there are some plants that suffer less from extreme heat than others, perhaps because they share the same Mediterranean origins. […]
How to create your balcony garden.

Living in the city with access to a porch or a balcony, you may still often dream of greenery and flowers, but also of growing your own vegetables and herbs. Setting up a garden on a city balcony, even a small one, is possible! It requires a bit of organization and imagination, but you can […]
Tips for planting lettuce in your garden.

If you want fresh, crunchy, delicious lettuce this summer, now is the perfect time to plant it. Lettuce has an especially strong ability to absorb pesticides, so if you grow yours according to organic agriculture guidelines, they will not only grow to be more flavourful, but also healthier. When we picture lettuce, we usually picture […]