Carine Chevrier – Noocity Grower
Biography As a child, Carine always had a flower in her hands as she wandered through nature, her eyes wide with wonder. Even at her parents’ house, she admired her father while he gardened. She has the soul of a botanist. Now, whether she appreciates nature in the forest or at home, it is always […]
Filipa Almeida – Noocity Grower
Biography At 18 years old, on the path to university, very few people know what they want to do in life. But Filipa knew perfectly well. Born in Porto, she got her bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering and her Master of Advanced Studies diploma in environmental education, because she hoped that in the future, she […]
Pedro Rocha – Noocity Growers
Biography After more than 15 years working in large companies in Germany, Paris, and Nantes where his daily life was punctuated by double-entry spreadsheets, Yann decided to get his hands dirty by recovering a vegetable garden from a neighborhood grandfather who moved to a retirement home. As a complete beginner, he inherited a 300m2 playground! […]
Delphine Breuil – Noocity Grower
Biography What is a nature lover’s nightmare? Working in a highly polluting company. Like Delphine, who realized that the world she wanted to leave for her children wasn’t made up of asparagus imported from Peru or apples imported from Chile. It’s while trying to grow squash (her favorite vegetable) on the green spaces of her […]
Alexandre Lefebvre – Grower Noocity
Biography Alexandre loves hops. Of course, he’s Belgian, and since hops are used to make beer, it was love at first sight for him and that plant! When he’s not enjoying it with his friends, he’s stung by a love for bees. There’s a good chance that he’ll tell you about one or the other […]
Yann Lescouarch – Noocity Grower
Noocity Grower in Nantes and Frech Network Manager
Growing hope: OLX’s sustainable garden empowers refugees
Growing hope: OLX’s sustainable garden empowers refugees Promoting education, sustainability, and community building. “The impact that has been generated and achieved through these vegetable gardens has been huge and multifaceted!” This is what Leonor Pinto, Communication Specialist at OLX, says about Noocity’s vegetable gardens. Ground Yourself Programme has a unique concept and approach that interested […]
The CMS Portugal vegetable garden
The CMS Portugal vegetable garden A role model of biodiversity and sociability Case When it decided to partner with Noocity, the law firm CMS Portugal was already aware of the positive impact that a vegetable garden could have on their business ecosystem. “More than just a vegetable garden, it’s a living space where, on top […]
The unlikely story of a vegetable garden by a notary´s office in Nantes!
A notary office’s garden The unlikely story of a vegetable garden in a notary’s office in Nantes. Case When a notary office located in the heart of downtown Nantes decides to set up a garden just a stone’s throw from its offices, its employees are filled with enthusiasm, and a neighborhood is reborn. This project […]
Fayat’s edible garden.
Fayat’s edible garden A place for company culture to grow. Previous image Next image In the heart of the Grigny’s industrial zone, on the outskirts of Paris, there’s a new garden implemented with full support of Fayat / Sefi-Intrafor Group direction. This place, created to promote extra-professional cooperation and interaction between the employees of this […]